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Did you know that HVAC systems account for up to 40% of a building’s energy consumption? HVAC represents a significant investment for the ongoing operation of a space.

Using high-performance material and energy-conscious strategies can result in a more comfortable building. It also can save a lot of money on energy costs over time, increasing ROI for commercial spaces. 这里有一些最好的建筑材料的暖通空调效率.


Proper insulation can do wonders to keep inside air temperatures consistent. This barrier keeping conditioned air inside, and outside temperatures and air out. 在绝缘方面,有一些流行的选择:

聚苯乙烯是一种塑料聚合物,以防潮而闻名. 它被用作其他基础绝缘材料的基础, 如膨胀聚苯乙烯(EPS)和挤压聚苯乙烯(XPS).


小泡沫珠被涂在模具上,然后加热熔化. 由于制造过程,材料内部存在小的空隙. EPS非常防潮. When installed with other waterproofing materials, moisture-retention is generally not an issue.


Resin and other materials are melted together, expanding during the cooling process. 这就形成了全封闭的绝缘. XPS is preferred for below-grade installations because it is more moisture-resistant than EPS.

现在你明白了 这两种绝缘的区别, 你可以为你的建筑做出明智的决定.


花点时间分析一下头发是如何在你的空间里流动的. 这对于提高暖通空调系统的效率至关重要.

A 重力反吸阻尼器为 设计成只允许空气单向流动. 这可以防止外部空气进入, 这有助于你的空间保持净化或温度控制的空气. 重力使阻尼器上的襟翼能够打开和关闭. 电动版本也可用.

Backdraft dampers are also used to ventilate smells and fumes in places without adequate airflow. 这减少了商业场所的职业危害.


There are times when your building or space may not require a complex HVAC system. 在这些情况下,一个 高效电加热系统 能满足你的需求吗.

电加热是一种高效、低维护的加热方式. 你可以按房间或区域供热,这样可以节省供热成本.

这些系统通常安装简单. 便携式散热器, 空间加热器, 护壁板加热器, and even radiant floor heat can give building owners more control over their energy usage without significant structural work.


Choosing the best HVAC equipment and features for your building greatly depends on the building material used.

钢结构建筑被用于许多行业. Agriculture, aviation, manufacturing, and even sports and recreation are a few.  它们在很多方面都更节能. First, they are easier to manufacture and assemble than wood-frame buildings. Second, they can be melted down as a reusable resource and require minimal maintenance once erected. Last, the longevity/durability of the materials saves on energy costs in the long run.  Wood buildings can be vulnerable to draftiness and air leaks as the lumber ages.

The purpose of your building will drive much of the interior design and HVAC systems. For example, let’s say you have a building or warehouse intended for cold storage. Temperature control will be the most important factor during construction and HVAC systems will need to be optimized through building automation systems. 其他因素包括选择专门的加热/冷却设备, 管道系统, insulation and even a roof color that helps maintain your desired temperature by reflecting or absorbing sunlight. If you are only using your steel building for a workshop in a mild climate, 一个简单的暖通空调系统就足够了. 


Duct design, size, and style have a significant impact on how air flows through a building. A leaky duct is to HVAC as a leaking faucet is to plumbing: the longer it leaks, the worse it gets. 投资高品质, energy-efficient ducts from the beginning of your project will avoid costly leaks or repairs along the way.


即使在施工阶段结束后, there are still steps you can take to make your building more energy efficient. Interior design elements like curtains and blinds can have a significant impact on the heating and cooling of a space.

Your HVAC system should be working at a manageable level to heat or cool a space—not pushing hard to always keep up. When temperatures begin to rise or fall, more stress is put on these systems. 这是要花钱的. Opening or closing curtains and blinds can offer a helping hand to your HVAC system by acting as temperature regulator.


While this is more of an HVAC-efficient strategy than a building material, 这里值得一提的是. 许多业主采用 地热系统 用于商业用途,以节省暖通空调费用并达到净零状态. Geothermal heat pumps can regulate building temperatures by circulating water or other liquids through pipes buried underground. 这利用了自然地温. It typically provides a return on investment within 5-10 years in savings on energy spend. 由于安装成本高, the federal government has implemented a series of programs and tax incentives for installation. 随着技术和市场需求的增加, geothermal heating and cooling will likely become more economically viable over time.


到2030年, 纽约市所有大于25英尺的建筑,将需要减少20%的能源消耗. Increasing HVAC efficiency is pivotal for the future of building construction because developers need to meet these increasingly stringent regulations. In addition, HVAC efficient systems are more cost-effective and ecological.

有许多需要考虑的因素, 从建筑材料到空气系统,甚至室内设计. With thoughtful planning, you can design an HVAC-efficient building from the outside in. 每个人都有一个好的解决方案.

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